RECORDAR is a philosophy of life.Based on travel as an enriching and expansive experience.The traveller creates memories they try to extrapolate in a way that’s tangible, in the form of a souvenir.The traveler is in constant movement; while traveling, the planning for the next trip is already happening.RECORDAR is a culture.Expressed through the desire to know, learn, grow and communicate as a lifestyle.RECORDAR is a community.Inspired by a philosophy of life centered on the journey as a transforming experience, the restlessness and passion to discover, and the memory as the symbol our our quest. No journey is totally lonely.RECORDAR is an activity.Collected in physical and mental exercise, while transversal to the different types of travel, as well as an intergenerational attitude. We all travel in one way or another.RECORDAR is a symbol.Meaning projected on a tangible support. The memory of the trip transformed into the object of desire. Symbol as a memory of the values that define the trip, the traveler and the destination.